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Internet slang words


Chat, Forum, Email, Internet Slang and Terms: LOL, BTW, EG, FYI, IDN


When you're chatting, writing in a forum, or getting email from friends you'll come across Internet slang. See what some of the most common Internet slang terms mean.

Most internet users have come across LOL, one of the most pervasive Internet slang terms. This Internet slang term means Laugh Out Loud and it's used by just about everyone on the Internet. LOL, is an Internet slang term used as a way of expressing emotion via a medium that is virtually emotionless.

It's hard to show emotion when you're typing. Sometimes the things you write can be taken the wrong way because the reader can't hear the tone in your "voice". That's where Internet slang comes into play. Without Internet slang, chatting on the Net would be pretty boring.

Internet slang is also used as a short cut to typing out long phrases, or even short phrases. Take the Internet slang BTW, for instance. It's Internet slang for the short term, By The Way. It certainly didn't take long for me to type the whole phrase out, but by using Internet slang, I've shortened my typing time and made chatting or emailing a more pleasant experience.

Here are some other common Internet slang terms and their meanings


  AAK - Alive and Kicking

  AAS - Alive and Smiling

  AFAIK - As Far as I Know

  AFK - Away From the Keyboard

  asl - Used to ask about personal information (age, sex, location)

  b4 - Before

  BAK - Back at the Keyboard

  BBL - Be Back Later

  BBS - Be Back Soon

  bf - Boyfriend

  BEG - Big Evil Grin

  BFN - Bye For Now

  BMA - Bite My A**

  BRB - Be Right Back

  BSEG - Big S**t Eatin Grin

  BTW - By The Way

  CNP - Continued in Next Post (used in message boards when you run out of room or your post is getting too long)

  CYA - See Ya

  dd - Dear (or Darling) Daughter

  ds - Dear (or Darling) Son

  dh - Dear (or Darling) Husband

  DDSOS - Different Day, Same Old S**t

  DIKU - Do I Know You?

  EG - Evil Grin

  EM - Email

  ema? - What Is Your Email Address?

  ez - Easy

  F2F - Face To Face

  FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

  flame - Something said to hurt someone else's feelings

  FOCL - Falling off Chair Laughing

  FOFL - Falling on Floor Laughing

  FTS - F*** This S***

  fu - f*** you

  FYI - For Your Information

  g - Grin

  GAL - Get A Life

  gf - Girlfriend

  GR or GTR - Gotta Run

  GR&D - Grinning, Running, and Ducking

  H&K - Hugs and Kisses

  HAGD - Have A Good Day

  host - Person running the chat room

  HTH - Hope That Helps

  IB - I'm Back

  IDK or IDN - I Don't Know

  IDTS - I Don't Think So

  IC - I See

  ILU or ILY - I Love You

  IM - Instant Message

  IMHO - In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion

  IMO - In My Opinion

  IRL - In Real Life

  IYO - In Your Opinion

  JK - Just Kidding

  k or kk - OK

  KIT - Keep In Touch

  L8R - Later

  LMAO - Laughing My A** Off

  LFFAO - Laughing My F*** A** Off

  LOL - Laughing Out Loud

  OJ - Only Joking

  OMG - Oh My God

  OTOMH - Off the Top of My Head

  OTW - On The Way (the file, or email, is on the way)

  PITA - Pain In The A**

  PLZ - Please

  PPL or peeps - People

  QT - Cutie

  RL - Real Life

  ROFL OR ROTF - Rolling On Floor, Laughing

  ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off

  ROTFLMFAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing F(***ing) My A** Off

  RT - Real Time

  RU - Are You?

  s - Smile

  SEG - Shit Eating Grin

  SH - Same Here

  SN - Screen Name

  SO - Significant Other

  SOL - Shit Out Of Luck

  SOS - Same Old S**t

  SPST - Same Place, Same Time

  SSDD - Same S**t, Different Day

  STR8 - Straight

  SYL - See You Later

  TC - Take Care

  TGIF - Thank Goodness It's Friday

  THX - Thanks!

  TRDMF - Tears Running Down My Face

  TS - Tough S**t

  TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now (this one's from Tigger)

  TTYL - Talk To You Later

  TY - Thank You

  US - You Suck

  UW - You're Welcome

  UY - Up Yours

  WB - Welcome Back

  WC - Welcome

  WEG - Wicked Evil Grin

  WTG - Way To Go

  WTF - What The F**K

  WT? - What The.. ? or Who the.. ?

  YVW - You're Very Welcome

  YW - You're Welcome

  Capital letters - If you write in all caps, it means you're shouting. Example: HEY YOU!

  Duplicate letters - Extending words also shows emotion. Example: Heyyyyy Yoooouuuuu!