Welcome to Pamalam's World


Useful Advice & Recommendations


1 5 Things that you probably never knew your  mobile phone could do
2 ATM Thefts  (pps)
3 Blood Clots and Stroke - New Tongue Sign
4 Do not answer cell phone while charging (pps)
5 Different types of breast cancer index 'Portuguese 'Spanish 'English.
6 Go: get your Mammies Grammed
7 Heart attack when on your own (pps)
8 House Fires
9 How to protect your address book
11 Internet slang words
12 Important Words
13 Revenge on the Telemarketer
14 Sad, especially if you are inclined to 'help' people
15 Staying at a hotel - worth reading - NOT A JOKE
16 Sweet Poison: Aspartame
17 The-Canvas-Prison  (pps)
18 What will happen by 2070 if we don't save the environment now (pps)